Nelson Mandela Bay in dire need of authentic leaders - Christian News
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Nelson Mandela Bay in dire need of authentic leaders

Church in the Community - Media Release in the Herald: 22nd July 2024

Source: TCN / Dr William Leleki
Date Added: 2024-07-22

Category: General NewsIssues - GeneralIssues - Politics
If there is no service delivery and yet there are people who call themselves leaders, we must all know that our future is bleak.

In the absence of leaders, people become victims of social ills.

Occupying leadership positions does not necessarily translate to availability and presence of leaders.

Sometimes voting people into leadership positions does not necessarily make them leaders because their motivation to stand for a leadership position was motivated by fat salaries and fringe benefits rather than the desire to help others.

Being a leader of people takes courage, spiritual discipline, and determination.

Real leaders have a sense of calling.

Calling can be defined as an inner impulse towards taking an action convicted by divine influence.

It can also be defined as a burning desire to see people’s lives transformed for better.

Calling derives satisfaction from seeing those being led benefiting from his/her action of mercy.

The Cambridge dictionary defines calling as "a strong wish to do a job, usually one that is socially valued".

No authentic leader can lead successfully without feeling the sense of calling, even if he/she is coerced by into the position by popular opinion or vote.

Authentic leaders must have a divine call to serve God’s people.

Without the conviction of a call, you cannot be an authentic leader concerned about the needs of the people you are expected to lead.

A called, authentic leader takes a posture of being a servant, putting God and God’s people first.

The second point I want to raise about authentic leadership is being driven by commitment.

Commitment can be understood as a desire coercing one to do something valuable for others.

Committed leaders don’t enjoy grandstanding and winning political points.

Authentic leaders do their job willingly, obeying their call as influenced by the Divine Being.

Committed leaders are always available to serve others even during difficult times in their lives.

Commitment is about doing what is expected of you, not what you feel like doing.

There are times when one is expected to do things that he/she least wants to do, but commitment does not give one luxury to choose doing it or not.

Character plays an important role in the shaping of an authentic leader.

The Cambridge dictionary defines character as the "quality of being determined and able to deal with difficult situations".

Character is very important in leadership because it involves telling the truth at all times, standing up for what is right even if it means being criticised, and treating others fairly and well, even if there is nothing in return.

Good character will always encourage leaders to do what they promised to do, which shows that character goes with ability.

Leaders with strong acceptable character become agents of change.

Lack of character leads to corruption.

The purpose of being in leadership is to know the direction that must be taken to which destination.

Leaders with no vision frustrate people they lead, to a point of demoralising those who had hoped that their leaders are taking them to the land of milk and honey.

Character is more important than charisma, and reputation is not more important than character.

Effective leadership involves treating people of God with respect, and to authentic leaders, service delivery is not an option but a must.

Authentic leaders attract other leaders instead of repelling each other.

There are times when leaders are to take unpopular decisions to benefit people they serve.

Criticism at times helps authentic leaders to become better leaders, hence it is important that leaders should give themselves time to listen to the cries of their followers.

One of the important qualities of an authentic leader is to allow oneself to be held accountable.

Christian leadership in the Nelson Mandela Metro is calling all residents of this Metro to join hands praying God to give us authentic leaders to take our Metro forward.
Bishop Dr William Leleki
of MCSA, William Kama District, used to be known as Grahamstown District
Source: TCN / Dr William Leleki
Date Added: 2024-07-22

Category: General NewsIssues - GeneralIssues - Politics
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