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Category: Repairs - Home Appliances

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2MC Profix
Colin Mackenzie
084 479 3878
Appliance Repairs * DSTV  & Home Theatre Installation
Skilled at most Home Repairs
Reasonable Call-Out and Work Charges
2MC Profix
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Contact Colin Mackenzie
Cell: 084 479 3878
Appliance Repairs - DSTV & Home Theatre Installation. Skilled at most Home Repairs. Reasonable Call-Out and Work Charges.
Google Maps B & L Appliances
Contact Brendon
Tel: 041 364 3740   Cell: 072 154 3313
29a King Edward Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045
We do repairs and service to all makes of appliances (AEG, L.G, Electrolux, Whirlpool, Samsung, etc.)